Multi-million dollar funding collaboration to improve child health
A Better Start, one of the country’s 11 National Science Challenges, and Cure Kids, New Zealand’s largest national child health research charity, have joined forces to create a new contestable fund in child health. The contestable funding round will seek proposals for high quality translational research that focuses on the early detection, or prevention, or successful management of; obesity, early literacy, mental health problems, and ASD in childhood and adolescence.
A Better Start and Cure Kids are particularly interested in receiving proposals for research projects with projected outcomes that have potential to then be developed into larger-scale research projects which could translate into tangible benefits at a community level with a focus on Maori and Pasifika communities.
A total funding pool of approximately $2.8m is available for allocation. This funding comprises 50 percent contribution from A Better Start (government funds) and 50 percent contribution from Cure Kids (non-government funds).
The maximum project budget will be $350,000 (including part overheads and excluding GST) and projects are to be a maximum of two years duration, completed by 30 June, 2019.
By working together, A Better Start and Cure Kids are fulfilling the kaupapa of each organisation to make a positive difference for our tamariki with a collaborative, interdisciplinary and cross-sector approach.
More details will be confirmed in January, 2017.
For more information please contact:
Ryan Chandler
Cure Kids Research Grants Manager