The Challenge’s Successful Learning team have launched a new resource hub for educators. The Better Start Literacy Approach is based on several years of research trials investigating the most efficient and effective methods to support children’s early reading, writing and oral language success. It includes ensuring positive engagement of whānau in their children’s literacy learning.

Challenge Deputy Director, Professor Gail Gillon, and Director of the University of Canterbury’s Child Well-being Research Institute says: “it’s exciting to see the findings across a range of studies including those from the Better Start National Science Challenge | E Tipu e Rea, investigating phonological awareness interventions, children’s word-learning, oral narrative, and vocabulary development, as well as positive parental engagement ‘come to life’ through the Better Start Literacy Approach.”

Read more here. To view educator and whānau resources developed as part of the approach, check out the website. Scroll down to the Better Start Literacy Approach website.

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