Kia ora to Dr Pat Tuohy, who is A Better Start E Tipu e Rea’s new Board Chair.

Pat brings with him a wealth of experience in the health sector and until recently was the Ministry of Health’s Chief Advisor for Child and Youth Health.

He has spent 10 years as a senior lecturer in Community Paediatrics at the Otago Clinical School of Medicine and was a Director of Child Health Policy for Plunket.

Pat is passionate about improving the health and wellbeing of our tamariki and addressing inequity.

“The health and wellbeing of our pēpi and tamariki needs to be taken seriously as we struggle as a society to address the fundamental drivers of poor physical, emotional and spiritual health,” he says.

“The Challenge provides an opportunity to understand these drivers better, and develop innovative ways of addressing them. We have really smart, dedicated people at all levels of the health system, and it is our role to develop and provide them with the tools to do their job better.”

We welcome Pat and look forward to working with him on our Challenge team. He replaces Pat Snedden, who stepped down as Board Chair in 2020 after six years in the role.

Materoa Mar has been A Better Start’s Interim Chair. We thank Materoa for her guidance during that time and look forward to her ongoing valued input as one of our Board members.

Also, our well wishes to Professor Peter Crampton who has stepped down from A Better Start’s Board. Peter has served as a Board member since 2016. Ngā mihi nui.

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